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BY: Marla Mase STORY: Lisa Milinazzo MUSIC: Mase/Doncker ENSEMBLE: Marty Vidnovick, Peter Appel, Rafa Nadal, Declan Maloney Drummond, Ingrid Roumengas, Samantha Spellman, Shoko Tamai, Gwendolyn Torrence, Lily Johns, Sergey Nagorny

In 2018 Marla and I began compiling stories and songs on themes of alienation, hope, and miracles. It became a fantastical allegory with characters like Frog Lady, Shlomo, the fish monger, Mordechai the talking fish, the gatekeeper and some sea creatures. Our rock and roll rumination included Marla and a blues rock band featuring Tomas Doncker, The True Groove Allstars and an international ensemble.

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